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15% off on framed prints and photo canvases with code: MOTHERSDAY!

Wall Art Print

How to print and frame photos?

You can print and frame photos in minutes. The process is really simple and you can upload your photos directly from your phone, computer or Instagram.

Go to Framed photo prints -> select photo size -> click “Create” -> pick your frame -> select either with or without mount by clicking the “ON/OFF” button -> check the cropping and order!

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What sizes of framed photo prints do you offer?

You can print framed photos in 6 different sizes:

  • Small square 6x6″
  • Small rectangle 6x8.3″
  • Middle square 8.3x8.3″
  • Middle rectangle 8.3x11.8″
  • Big square 11.8x11.8″
  • Big rectangle 11.8x17.7″

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What is the required photo resolution to make photo print with frame?

The minimum resolution depends on the size of the framed photo print, for the smallest size a resolution of 1000px along the shorter side will do.

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What should I do when an exclamation mark appears in the photo editor indicating poor photo quality?

For the 6x6″ square you can print photos directly from your phone without compromising the print quality too much. For the bigger sizes, we recommend using bigger photos with a minimum resolution of 1200 pixels.

Can I change the color of the frame on the picture or have it made without the frame?

Yes, you can pick any color for the photo mount! Just click the color icon on the bottom left-hand side of the photo. You can easily color coordinate your framed prints from photos to the rest your home decor.
A photo print can come without a frame border. Just select with or without a frame border by clicking the “ON/OFF” button in the editor.

How do I hang my framed photo print?

The photos on the forex board come with adhesive tapes that you can use to stick the prints to the wall without drilling. We also include a plastic hook that you can use to hang the image on a nail.
If you choose the framed version, you will find a hook on the back (metal for the metal frame and plastic for the wooden frame) to hang the picture on a nail.

I have ordered a wall art print and another photo product but I have not received the wall art print yet.

We ship all products together, the package should contain the complete order. If you are missing a product, please contact us.

How long does it take to print and frame photos?

You can find production and delivery times here.

I would like a frame for my photo print.

Do you prefer to hang your photo print as it is or would you like to mount it in a frame?

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